We can divide this post in 3 parts:-
- Java Installation
- Setting up environment variables for java installation
- Verify Java installation and newly set up environment variables are proper.
Java Installation:-
- Check whether your PC is 32 bit or 64 bit. I’m running 64-bit version of windows 7.
- Click on Accept License Agreement radio button after reading License agreement.
Java Download page |
4. For 32 bit Operating System [OS], click on jdk-8u77-windows-i586.exe and for 64 bit Operating System [OS], click on jdk-8u77-windows-x64.exe
5. Your download will start after clicking on link
Java downloading on local machine |
6. I have already downloaded JDK [Java Development Kit] version - jdk-8u77.
Java Installable |
7. Now double click on your java installable. Follow with images below:-
JDK Installation step 1 |
JDK Installation step 2 |
Please note the highlighted path, we would be using this path to set a environment variable.
JDK Installation step 3 |
JDK Installation step 4 |
JRE is getting installed.
JDK Installation step 5 |
JDK Installation step 6 |
Please note that - Both JRE & JDK got installed using same installable.
Setting up environment variables for java installation-
We would be setting below two environment variables -
- JAVA_HOME : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25
- PATH : ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;
Follow along the images to set environment variables.
1. Press Windows Key from Keyboard 
Click on Start icon
windows start icon |
Way to set up environment variable |
2. Right click on Computer.
3. Click on Properties
You can also open above window directly using [rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables] .
- Open Run Prompt [Win key +R]
- Type rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
- Hit Enter key
Way to set up environment variable |
Setting up JAVA_HOME |
Entry of JAVA_HOME |
Updating Path Variable |
Updating Path Variable |
There is a blogpost explaining the rationale behind all these environment variables.
Verify Java installation and newly set up environment variables are proper.
Open Command prompt [Press Win key + R]
Type cmd and hit enter.
Run Prompt |
Command Prompt will be open
Command Prompt |
Type java -version and hit enter.
Command prompt should display newly installed java version.
Verify Java Version in command prompt |
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